I need a vacation!

A couple activity based on an idea shared during an FCE growth group in 2024

photo credit:  Valérie Ungerer on UnSplash.com

Here’s an opportunity to listen and be listened to about vacations -- past and future -- and to understand better what each of you want when you say “I need a vacation”. 

Step 1:  Take some time apart to briefly answer the following questions:

Step 2: Privately choose the one question you most want your partner to know the answer to at this time. Allow the first person to take about 10 minutes to share their answer using the Couple Dialogue process. Don't forget to pause often as the speaker to allow the listener to reflect back the words and emotions they are hearing. When the first partner has had a chance to share, switch speakers and allow the other person to choose and share an answer.  

Step 3: Repeat step 3 for any of the other questions until you run out of time or energy!!  You may wish to end by sharing something new that you have learned about yourself or your partner from this activity.

download a PDF of this excercise.