Tom and Sharon Baring with their LOVE GLOVE.
one FCE Leader Couple's story of couple connection
Holding hands on long walks in the subarctic winter of 1995-96, when they were a new couple, was an essential activity for Sharon and Tom Baring. It was a magical, romantic time, getting to know each other in the wonderland of snow, cold, and crystal clear deep-winter nights. But one thing was lacking.
Puffy mittens left their hands an insulated inch or more from the skin-to-skin contact they loved. Thus was born the "Love Glove." Sharon sewed together two heart shapes cut from heavy polar fleece, added a cuff on each side, and now when they walked, the left hand of one and the right hand of the other could meet, inside a heart-shaped mitten made for two.
It was such a personal success, they decided to share it with others. Sharon sewed up about 50 Love Gloves and they made a card to give away with each one, with a sketch and a poem:
The LOVE GLOVE, created by Sharon Baring
When comets and stars sprinkle lights down on you
And the mercury plunges to well below two
Most families will huddle about the old stove
Choosing stories and song instead of the cold
But not you and your mate who would rather conspire
With the wind and the stars instead of the fire
So you pull down your hats and head out for a walk
To hold hands, to check in, to laugh and to talk
With Pegasus you ride; shoot arrows with Orion
Go swimming with Pisces; with Cygnus go flyin'
While Aurora Borealis dances lights up above
You're holding hands in your two handed glove
Long walks in the dark of winter will always be an important part of Sharon and Tom's relationship. Sometimes, there's an issue to discuss, and they've learned that walking side-by-side, facing and moving forward, both in the same direction, creates a more collaborative sense than when sitting inside face to face. Whether there's an issue or not we, as you might imagine, encourage you, too, to head out for a walk, to laugh and to talk.
Sharon and Tom live in Fairbanks, Alaska. They have been participating in Friends Couple Enrichment for nearly 3 decades, and began facilitating events as a Leader Couple in 2015. Most recently, they were part of the team that offered the October online workshop of 2024.