The Lasting effects of a Couple enrichment retreat
July, 2022
A testimony from Mark and Daphne, past participants in a Couple Enrichment Workshop:
“We went to a Couple’s Enrichment weekend at Woolman Hill Quaker Center ten years ago. The workshop itself was both fun and enriching, the skills easy to learn and immediately applicable. At home over the following six months, we returned to that form of dialogue from time to time.
“Then, a stressful period in our marriage forced us to return more diligently and exactingly to the process we’d learned during the workshop. The regular living through of these skills was suddenly essential and gradually transformative.
“Since then we have devoted one evening each week to communicating using the techniques taught at that workshop. This discipline has created a safe container in our relationship, has established a place of trust where we now go automatically for communication that holds us to integrity and good will. This process has been invaluable sustenance for our growth as a couple.”