A Gender-NEUtral Love Song

Couple Enrichment leader Jeff Richman wondered why love songs are so often gender specific. He challenged himself to change this pattern by rewriting the 1983 Billy Joel classic "Tell Her About It" to make it gender neutral! 

Tell Them About It (A Gender Neutral Love Song)

(Original music / lyrics 1983 by Biily Joel, new lyrics 2023 by Jeff Richman)


Listen, NOW, I don't want to see you let a good thing slip away

You know I don't like watching anybody make the same mistakes I made

           THEY’RE A REAL FINE ONE AND THEY’RE always there for you

           But SOMEONE LIKE THAT wouldn't tell you what you should do

           Oh, listen, NOW, I'm sure that you think you got it all under control

           You don't want somebody telling you   the way to stay in someone's soul

           You're ALL GROWN UP, and you'll never let THEM go

           But that's just the kind of thing THEY ought to know

Tell THEM about it, tell THEM everything you feel

Give THEM every reason to accept that you're for real 
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tell THEM about it, tell THEM all your crazy dreams

Let THEM know you need THEM,

Let THEM know how much THEY mean

Listen, NOW, it's not automatically a certain guarantee

To insure yourself   you've got to provide communication constantly

           When you love someone you're always insecure

            And there's only one good way to reassure ---

            Tell THEM about it, let THEM know how much you care

            When THEY can't be with you tell THEM you wish you were there

            Tell THEM about it everyday before you leave

            Pay THEM some attention -- Give THEM something to believe

 Cause now and then THEY’LL get to worrying

 Just because you haven't spoken for so long

 And though you may not have done anything

 Will that be a consolation when THEY’RE gone?


            Listen, NOW, it's good information from SOMEONE who's made mistakes

            Just a word or two that THEY GET from you could be the difference that it makes

            THEY’RE a trusting soul, THEY’VE put THEIR trust in you

             But SOMEONE like that won't tell you what you should do

Tell THEM about it, tell THEM everything you feel

Give THEM every reason to accept that you're for real.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Tell THEM about it, tell THEM all your crazy dreams

Let THEM know you need THEM, let THEM know how much THEY mean

Tell them about it, tell THEM how you feel right now!

YOU GOT TO tell THEM about it, WELL THEY WON’T want to wait too long!

           You got to tell THEM about it   Tell THEM now and you won't go wrong!

           You got to tell THEM about it before it gets too late!  You’ve got to tell THEM about it!