Listening With Love Online Workshop in October 2023

Pay what you think it is worth!

October Online Workshop

When two people participate in a couple enrichment workshop, they are demonstrating their love, optimism, and commitment to themselves, to each other, and to their relationship. They spend precious time together, express appreciation for each other, explore their essential values and needs as individuals and as a couple, and nurture communication skills which will serve them for the rest of their lives in moments of decision-making, concern, confusion, joy, grief, and immense tenderness.

We look forward to sharing the gifts of couple enrichment with you in an October, Zoom-based Introductory Couple Enrichment Retreat: Listening with Love to Strengthen and Deepen our Relationships.

We invite any committed couple, regardless of spousal status, gender, choice of pronouns, or past experience to join us in this retreat. There is no set charge for this workshop, although we welcome a donation of any amount toward the ministry of Friends Couple Enrichment. We suggest $40/couple. 

Please note that Friends Couple Enrichment retreats are not therapy or counseling but a set of practices designed to enrich committed relationships.  The three leader couples will participate fully in the retreat as they share and explore authentic situations in their own lives while modeling dialogue techniques. We will develop community and trust, have fun, and get to know and value each other.

We are excited to be providing this retreat via Zoom video conferencing. Zoom allows couples to join us from anywhere and opens the retreat to those with mobility, child-care, scheduling, and other challenges. We have discovered that, even over zoom, we can create a sense of community, trust, and tender support.  We offered a similar retreat in October, 2022 and, in hopes of making this retreat accessible to a greater diversity of couples, have decided to shorten it to one weekend.  Leader couples will be connecting to the retreat from Pennsylvania and Alaska.

The retreat will consist of two, 2-hour Zoom sessions each day: Saturday, October 21, and Sunday, October 22. Please commit to attending all four sessions.

After participating in this retreat, you will have access to on-going support from the Friends Couple Enrichment community via our monthly, on-line, “drop-in” events. This allows all couples to continue participating in witnessed dialogue in a supportive community.