Financial Intimacy
Interviewing Your Partner About Money
Amanda Grossman, author of a website called “Frugal Confessions” defines Financial Intimacy as “Each of you being able to work together and share your thoughts, feelings, needs, and desires about money with your partner in a safe space where you feel you are being heard and your needs are being reasonably met.
She notes that managing money with someone else is a work-in-progress -- just like marriage.
One of her exercises to promote financial intimacy is to interview your partner about money. She gives a few starter questions to help you learn more about how your beloved views and manages money, such as:
How much money does a person need to have for you to consider them rich?
What’s one thing you used to believe about money when you were a kid but have since figured out was wrong?
You have $500 that magically appears in your pocket. You have to spend it on something. What would you spend it on?
What’s one money memory you have from childhood? How did it make you feel?
This activity is an adaptation from an entry in Amanda Grossman’s website, “Frugal Confessions”.
Visit to read the entire website article.